How much do dental tooth veneers cost?

The classic porcelain veneers have a variable cost in the range of 900 dollars and 2,500 dollars per tooth. This procedure normally asks you to pay at least two visits to the dentist's office. The advantage of using porcelain veneers instead of plastic ones is the fact that they last longer, up to fifteen years and even more in some cases.

Composite veneers cost a lot less, only 250 dollars per tooth but they will not last for more than seven years.

The Lumineer veneers cost somewhere in the range of 700 dollars to 1,000 dollars for a tooth and they have the advantage of not consuming too much of your time for trips to the dentist's office. They should last as long as the classical porcelain veneers.

Whenever you decide of having such a dental treatment keep in mind that the final price may be sensitively bigger as you will have to pay for all the in-office session your dentist will ask from you to do. And remember that the medical dental insurance does not usually cover these treatments, so you'd better have some money aside before starting this procedure. The cost is also influenced by the fame and skill level of your dentist. The quality of laboratory works is also influencing the final cost.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tooth Veneers

As any other medical procedure, dental tooth veneers have both advantages and disadvantages.


The best thing about this procedure is the new perfect smiles it is creating. Anyone can get the smile of their dreams in a short period of time and without getting into too much trouble or painful procedures. People prefer this type of dental procedure because veneers last for as long as fifteen years and they have the ability of brighten darkened teeth. The dental procedure is not very time consuming nor painful, it is over in a few 2 hour long sessions and veneers can even make your natural teeth stronger. You don't have to worry a lot about any maintenance issues; you have to go for periodical check up visits to the dentist's office. You also have to make sure you brush and floss your teeth correctly.

But in the end the most important advantage is the perfect smile you will be displaying and the confidence that comes with the new appearance.


But there are disadvantages too. One disadvantage is the adjustment period you will need in order to get used to your new appearance as your teeth may have changed colour, spacing, size or even shape. Although dentists try to give you a perfect smile without removing any teeth, there are some situations where this invasive manoeuvre can not be avoided. Consequently this procedure is causing some trauma to the tooth. And this is also a disadvantage. So keep in mind to discuss this tooth removal aspect with your dentist before starting any dental tooth veneers procedure.

The sensitivity you may get after the attachment of the temporary veneers represents another downside. You may even experience some difficulties in pronunciation of sounds as “s” and “f”. Don't worry this can be fixed by your cosmetic dentist.

Veneers look very much alike teeth but they aren't your natural teeth. You may see some colour differences between the veneers and your teeth. Don't worry; this sensation will be gone in a month. It takes some time until you will get used to your new appearance.


People who suffer from clenching, bruxism or grinding of their teeth may damage the dental veneers. So if you have these nasty habits, inform the dentist so that he will take some measures like giving you a mouth guard to wear at night in order to protect your new bright smile.

And if you intend to use Lumineer tooth veneers make sure you are aware of their big disadvantage: little smile correction can be achieved through this method because there is little tooth correction. You may also experience the feeling of wearing bulky veneers. And the number of dentists specialised in this technique is small.


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